So what is  it I find so utterly fascinating about a series that follows
                             the adventures of a spaceship that is actually a giant bug and its
                             crew consisting of a somewhat befuddled captain, a love slave, an
                             undead former assassin and a disembodied robot head? Is it the
                             dark humor? The sexuality? The path of destruction in their wake?
                             The very idea of a show centered around antiheros?

                             All of the above.

                             Okay, so the gorgeous dead assassin who sleeps in a frozen coffin
                             may have influenced me a bit more than the others in the beginning.
                             I was always a fan of vampires. And let's face it, Kai needs
                             protoBLOOD to remain animated. He's real good at killing people.
                             Has that deathly pale complexion, been dead 6000 years and is still
                             going strong... He's not at all influenced by vampire lore. Riiiight!

                            I mean, just look at him!


                            Being in the US my own exposure to LEXX is limited to what they
                            have shown here on the SCI-FI channel. Mostly Season 2 and the
                            Start of Season 3. I have seen Season 1 through the kindness of a
                            friend, a less edited version than was shown on SCI-FI.

                 There is little I can add that is new. What I can offer is my
                 own Lexx Web Graphics. But since anything I have to say has
                 been said better by others here are a few of the best Lexx
                 sites out there.

                     Splarka's LEXX  Links Page
                     Sad Geezer's Guide to LEXX
                     Two Universes Ultimate Guide to LEXX Online
                     LEXX Fan
                     Pat's LEXX Zone

                     My LEXX Graphics
                     My LEXX fanfic
                     LXKS RPG homepage
                     LexxRPG homepage

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